/use "Item Name". The main one is a cast sequence macro for lock and load it will cast rank 4 all the time but as soon as you have lock and load it will cast rank 4 then press it again for rank 3 and again for rank 4 its pretty OP. /run for i=1,GetNumQuestLogEntries () do SelectQuestLogEntry (i); SetAbandonQuest (); AbandonQuest (); end. There is also a way to make one macro for both. See also Classic WoW Useful macros (1. Phase. If your raid requires you to have engineering do. Since it does roughly double the damage of the Saronite Bomb it helps with DPS, however compared to Box of Bombs it is more expensive. •. The__Erlking (Topic Creator) 13 years ago #3. Run this macro on all your characters for a clean slate in 2023. Choose a Name and an Icon so you can easily recognize your macro, then click on "Okay. Press F3 and see if your macros is working. /startattack. Ive seen some macros that dosnt include the "/stopcasting" thing. Just saying that unless you perform everything else at 100% your best every time, don't go looking to Saronite Bombs to be the savior of your DPS. Warrior as a classical fantasy class is well-known in World of Warcraft too. 2. Engineering Items: Global Thermal Sapper Charge, Saronite Bomb Global Thermal Sapper Charge and Saronite Bomb are great for dealing big damage to large groups of enemies, and a small gain even when used in single-target situations. Explosives, such as Saronite Bomb and Global Thermal Sapper Charge, deal a huge amount of extra damage and can be woven into your normal rotation. /castsequence reset=300 “belt name”, Saronite Bomb, Saronite Bomb, Saronite Bomb, Saronite Bomb, Saronite Bomb. Flask of the. /cast [@player] 1 Like. Using saronite bombs in conjunction with the glove/cloak/boot tinkers makes engineering very competitive with the other profession stat bonuses. Items off CDv1. This guide will provide a list of recommended addons, weakauras, and macros for your class and role, as well as advice for the best addons to increase your effectiveness in raids and dungeons. That's a pretty common question so they're bound to have that info in the PVE FAQ or whatever section. Dethramnous-faerlina November 12, 2019, 2:55pm 1. " Select your macro's icon from the list at the top of the macro window, and then click in the text area below. Years prior to the blood pact with Mannoroth, a plague known as the "red pox" spread among the. The rest of this list are essential consumables that you should bring to every raid. This guide will provide a list of recommended addons, weakauras, and macros for your class and role, as well as advice for the best addons to increase your effectiveness in raids and dungeons. The thermal grenade has no effect on creatures above level 49. You cannot create a macro which attempts to use your frag belt first and then default to a Cobalt Frag Bomb if your belt is on cooldown. Y'know. I find high hp DKs almost as annoying as pallys, your dps doesn't really take that much a of a hit for the extra hp, but unlike pallys i can occasionally win (enhance shaman) with use of cleansing totem, frozen power, new. Welcome to Wowhead's Addons, Weakauras, and Macros Guide for Arcane Mage DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. The primary benefits come from the Hyperspeed Accelerators glove enhancement and access to explosives like Saronite Bomb and Global Thermal Sapper Charge. 3a. Hey all, Struggling to make a Frag Belt > Saronite Bomb macro. -Council: never stack on blue runes if green rune is not down yet in p2. /use Saronite Bomb. this macro command doesnt exist in 3. /startattack. WotLK Classic Saronite Shuffle EZ Guide and Profit Spreadsheet. Perfect for moments when things are getting ugly and you just need to survive for a little bit longer. Blade Flurry will never cast, because the gloves are on cooldown and the rest of the macro cannot resolve. Using saronite bombs in conjunction with the glove/cloak/boot tinkers makes engineering very competitive with the other profession stat bonuses. Here's a nice macro for trapping, includes raptor strike and sappers/bombs as well: #showtooltip Explosive Trap. Also the bug only included Saronite bombs, Cobalt was the one used in PvP. 1) Create a name and pick an icon for your macro. Of if you just want to do that tiny bit of more dmg. Another advantage to Saronite Bomb is that this is instant(in terms of animation) and they do not require aiming, of course with the disadvantage that it damages your character in the process(use with caution in. #showtooltip Dire Bear Form (Shapeshift) /cast !Dire Bear Form (Shapeshift) BEARWEAVE MACRO. I'm starting to think the issue is that I have to select the area for both spells and WoW doesn't allow the selection for two things at the same time. However i did find this: Re: Engineering macro issue. What you are talking about for one of the macros is called "power shifting" Use the following macro, it will work for any form and instantly break form and recast it. A spell. 2. I should've tried that before making a fool of myself. Welcome to Wowhead's Addons, Weakauras, and Macros Guide for Balance Druid DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. and gem prospecting. Both items do not induce a global cooldown, so make sure to use them with another ability in a macro like this: #showtooltip Saronite Bomb Contribute. This guide will provide a list of recommended addons, weakauras, and macros for your class and role, as well as advice for the best addons to increase your effectiveness in raids and dungeons. 5x Saronite == 0,24*(MT+SR+SS+FE+AG+TO)/6 + 1,08*. OR, you can set the macro to cast the belt on a click,. Dans le cas du minerais de Saronite, Blizzard vous permet de farm ce composant dans : Les Pics Foudroyés. But because /use 6 supplies a target for the previous /use Cobalt Frag Bomb which invalidates the action. First 3 abilities work fine, Immo never comes out. However, it always casts the Saronite Bomb, despite showing the Belt icon, if I press/hold Alt-Ctrl-5. /cast [@player] 1 Like. /startattack. This opens with Faerie Fire → Insect Swarm → Saronite Bomb → Starfall → Force of Nature → Starts casting wraths too fish for your first Eclipse proc. Note: You will need to press this macro twice for it to take effect! Just mash it!SHAPESHIFTING MACROS. Tutorial How to Install WoW AddOns in 3 Easy Steps using WowMatrix!Sometime in the last 2 weeks my @target macros for free-aim mechanics stopped working. For some reason this will only cast taunt on my selected target, and I am totally baffled as to why it won't cast on my unselected mouseover target. In the Fishing Poles category. Somehow Earthquake has survived since Cataclysm. All they have to do is add @target. 0 WOTLK-WEAKAURA. Great for if you have some lag and waiting for the channel to "complete" leaves a few milliseconds where you. Although newb, newbie, noob, and n00b all have similar definitions, there are key differences amongst them. It will only trigger the Saronite Bombs, not the DnD eventhough the tooltip shows the DnD. When you press a normal Mutilate keybind, it only casts the spell when you have enough energy. If anyone needs it, the working macro looks like this: /castsequence [@cursor] reset=7 Flamestrike (Rank 6), Presence of Mind, Flamestrike (Rank 7)A feature of WotLK is that potions only have a 1-minute cooldown. Whatever makes people feel special and good about themselves i guess. Post by Cloud8690Mouseover Taunt Macro. If your rotation involves a ground click like ele shaman does, then RIP. 200 - 215 20x Unstable Trigger - 20 Mithril Bar, 20 Mageweave Cloth, 20 Solid Blasting Powder Save these. The site is wowlazymacros. Reply With Quote. You can't use flying mount when the battle for Wintergasp is in progress, so it's not that great during the battle. Implementing it into a macro is much more difficult due to the 255 character limit, but this should work (note the printed value is in. Using saronite bombs in conjunction with the glove/cloak/boot tinkers makes engineering very competitive with the other profession stat bonuses. Works great for me. Or you can set your keybind to the macro to be your 5th, 6th or 7th mouse wheel button. This guide will provide a list of recommended addons, weakauras, and macros for your class and role, as well as advice for the best addons to increase your effectiveness in raids and dungeons. There is a youtube video for it that has all of them spelled out. Welcome to Warcraft Tavern’s Engineering guide! In this guide, we’ll provide everything you need to max out your Engineering skill, from the materials required to level up your profession to the best recipes to follow. 0. This is because of the strong enchants and utility Engineering provides and because of your main damage-providing consumables, Global Thermal Sapper Charge and Saronite Bomb. Deathwìsh-daggerspine October 26, 2021, 3:11pm #3. Engineering explosives continue on through WotLK with both Global Thermal Sapper Charge and Saronite Bomb giving you extra damage, especially during large AoE pulls. Any damage will break the effect. Mana-based classes will have to deal with a lock on their regen, but will be able to restore it by destroying crystals that drop a residue on the floor. WotLK Classic Hunter Changes. r/wotlk. 2 WOTLK-WEAKAURA. Explosives, such as Saronite Bomb s and Global Thermal Sapper Charge, deal a big chunk of extra damage and can be woven into your normal rotation using macros. If your macro only references one spell then you don't need to name it after #showtooltip. This explosive is powerful enough to cause. It's important to note that both Sappers do more damage to more targets, and they're both instant, so you'll want to prioritize the highest density of mobs possible for them, whereas Saronite Bomb, whilst still instant, has a smaller radius and it doesn't hit as hard. Cobalt Frag Bomb. 0:00-0:20 Intro0:21-6:04 Ma. A must-have for raiding. Anyone know a way to have #showtooltip work to show the icon of my sapper charge instead of my fire ward? #Showtooltip /cast Fire Ward (Rank 5) /use Goblin Sapper Charge. . Sapper Charge mage macro. Saronite Bomb—Inflicts 1150 to 1500 Fire damage to targets in a 10 yard radius. Location. Cobalt Frag Bomb (3) Item Level 27 Use: Inflicts (24 * 10) to (32 * 10) Fire damage and incapacitates targets for 3 sec in a 3 yard radius. ). There is a youtube video for it that has all of them spelled out. Saronite is an element associated with the Old God Yogg-Saron. Goblin Mortar and Goblin Dragon Gun in slot 13, Goblin Bomb Dispenser and Mithril Mechanical Dragonling in slot 14). I've made over 200k since launch using. This opens with Faerie Fire → Insect Swarm → Saronite Bomb → Starfall → Force of Nature → Starts casting wraths too fish for your first Eclipse proc. , and includes BiS gear, gems, enchantments, gameplay, and spell rotation tips. You cannot create a macro which attempts to use your frag belt first and then default to a Cobalt Frag Bomb if your belt is on cooldown. A dominant force in both PvE and PvP content, you can assured that you will always find yourself feeling powerful while having fun at the same time. . It will also allow you to cast directly cast spells at your focus by pressing the Alt modifier: Code: #showtooltip arcane barrage /cast [modifier:alt,@focus] [@mouseover, harm] [harm] arcane barrage. com You just load the macros into GSE (copy and paste) and then drag the button that GSE created to action bar. BS uses Titanium for 3 pre-raid BIS Titansteel armor sets and 4 pre-raid BIS weapons. The macro allows you to automatically throw your bomb at the cursor position, rather than clicking on the target. Vote to kick failed. Also you can try and time your saronite bombs with trinket/cloak procs to maximize. This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to deal with General Vezax and the. Implementing it into a macro is much more difficult due to the 255 character limit, but this should work (note the printed value is in. Just you, your. You will gain 35% of you spirit in Crit by the Molten Armor + 20% if glyphed means 55%. Welcome to Wowhead's Addons, Weakauras, and Macros Guide for Frost Death Knight DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. This translates into a possible +133 attack power bonus on average if it procs exactly every 45 seconds, or a +100 attack power bonus on average if it procs every 60 seconds,. #showtooltip /cast [@cursor] Volley. This does stack with the [Eternal Belt Buckle], but does not stack with other engineering tinkers, specifically the [Personal Electromagnetic Pulse Generator]. Fire Mage DPS Leveling AOE Rotation To start, if you think mobs will live longer than 12 seconds, you should cast Living Bomb on as many mobs as you can. The saronite bomb box costs the exact same and gives roughly 30 bombs per box currently. Also, 3. To use: jump of something at least 2x the height of your character and then press the macro twice. Use: Shift+Click the macro to blame any member of your raid in /raid ! (ex: [iBlame]: RandomRaider) Extra: This macro currently pulls a random guild member from the entire guild, if you'd rather only blame ONLINE members, change "x=GetNumGuildMembers (1)" to "x=GetNumGuildMembers (0)" Works in 3. Consumable Check List for Survival Hunter DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Your consumable checklist is much more. For caster classes and interrupts, add “/stopcasting” line before your interrupts. If it is possible. First, it seems that the bug was caused by a single rogue (always blame it on the rogues!) who used Saronite Bombs throughout the fight. Lock and Load has an internal cooldown of. Link. See the comments for more questions and feedback from the Reddit community. Indestructible Potion will display buff uptime so you don't use your 2nd Indestructible Potion too early. Ulduar Achievement Guide. Spec. Useful Death Knight Macros With the new expansion coming up (Wrath of The Lich King), there will be a new class introduced, the Death Knight. By adding the modifier [@focus] you can cast at your focus target instead, which can be useful when targeting a different player for damage purposes. However i did find this:Plan and share your WotLK Classic character's gear and see their resulting stats, secondary stats, and resistances. This item shares a cooldown with other explosives, such as Saronite Bombs. Tried with double /use,. In PvP, however, Alliance is by far the superior faction for Ferals, as the Shadowmeld racial has been buffed substantially in WotLK to be usable while already in combat, effectively. This explosive is powerful enough to cause moderate siege damage. I've become inactive again, and I won't respond to any inquiries or critique in the comment section. . 01%, and I'm in a very average raiding guild). this will not recast while in the midde of channeling though. Both macros will minimize the cast time you lose and maximize your damage output. using the spell withought a macro will however. Rigvedic_. However, that feature quickly gets negated by the fact that you can only use one potion per fight. Item Level 75. Modifier key will apply your WBFH lure to your pole. Engineering provides the strongest glove enchant in Wrath, Hyperspeed Accelerators, and also Nitro Boosts. So I made a macro like this. The first macro will start an Arcane Blast after the Counterspell, while the second macro will use a Global Thermal Sapper Charge or throw a Saronite Bomb at the player's position (if any of them are off cooldown) and instantly cast an Arcane Explosion after. . cheat cooldown on. /use "Item Name". This guide will provide a list of recommended addons, weakauras, and macros for your class and role, as well as advice for the best addons to increase your effectiveness in raids and dungeons. Eg: /use Cobalt Frag Bomb /use 6 This is not directly because of a macros inability to detect cooldowns. 3) 6 yard radius Adamantite Grenade 450 to 750 Fire damage. Contribute. Click OK . General. /cast [nomod] shadow word: pain. So they are. Re: Macros for fury. Location. Also the bug only included Saronite bombs, Cobalt was the one used in PvP. No, grenades and bombs were still a thing in season 8, this is just a bug. Comment by Furydeath on 2023-10-12T20:04:12-05:00. SO: /use 10. Engineering is the king of. Macro to avoid clipping channelling ticks. Affliction is extremely strong throughout. Flask of. *. And of course, with new abilities and spells, new macros. It is sold by NPCs. Duration: 3 seconds: School: Fire: Mechanic: n/a: Dispel type. Option 2: Set the totem the first time you use the macro and nova the next times. Necrostaph-zuljin January 19, 2023, 8:31pm 1. Army of the dead 5. « Previous Thread | Next Thread ». saimpot. This assumes your raid team is popping lust a few seconds into the fight. Saronite Bomb. The Default macro template is 1. Engineering. 3. exploding I guess. Ranged should never ever be too far back or tantrum will get em. Requires Engineering (350) Item Level 75: Use: Inflicts 1150 - 1500 Fire damage to targets in a 10 yard radius. /cast Avenging Wrath. Macros for Assassination Rogue DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Auto-Attack Macro #showtooltip Mutilate /cast Mutilate /startattack This is a very important macro to use for PvE damage dealing. Using saronite bombs in conjunction with the glove/cloak/boot tinkers makes engineering very competitive with the other profession stat bonuses. party,@player][combat,group:raid,@player] Saronite Bomb Edit 3: Just noticed, you got Grim Toll this run, gz! You probably have enough hit to run the "selfish" spec with 5/5 imp. This guide will provide a list of recommended addons, weakauras, and macros for your class and role, as well as advice for the best addons to increase your effectiveness in raids and dungeons. Welcome to Wowhead's Addons, Weakauras, and Macros Guide for Demonology Warlock DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Open the link below and save your own copy in order to change the manual inputs. It will only trigger the Saronite Bombs, not the DnD eventhough the tooltip shows the DnD tooltip. It was like this when I found it. When both items are off cooldown, it defaults to showing the Sapper. Yogg-Saron. Buff. Contribute. Replace the Cleanse Spirit in the macro below with the spell name: #showtooltip. Oct 7th 2022 [WoW WotLK Classic 3. In the NPCs category. Wintergrasp is the best zone for farming Saronite Ore in WotLK Classic, but it can get pretty crowded because many people use this zone for farming. Group by: None Slot Level Source. WotLK PvE DPS Rankings Class Changes for Fire Mage DPS in Wrath of the Lich King. Mouseover Taunt Macro. Expansion: WotLK Classic. I’m not sure if it still works or not but you can try and cast at your tanks target by setting your tank as your focus and. #showtooltip Thunder clap /cast Thunder clap /use [@player] 6. Flex on your friends! Warlock-specific addons that can help us or are convenient quality of life tools. 2 increased the blast radius of these things from 5 to 10 yards, making the maximum range that you can hit something with a saronite bomb is now 25 yards. Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10. Added in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. In this guide, we will cover how to gain reputation with them and rewards for the Mag'har. Welcome to Wowhead's Addons, Weakauras, and Macros Guide for Enhancement Shaman DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Saronite Bar (5) Smelt Saronite (5) Saronite Ore (10) Volatile Blasting Trigger (1) Volatile Blasting Trigger (1). Here is what it looks like atm: #showtooltip /cast [@cursor]Thermo-Accelerated Plague Spreader /cast [@cursor]Binding Shot If I use it the above way, It is in the correct sequence as the uptime (for lack of a better term). Contribute. Best Arena Comps. So you will gain 40. Engineering Profession Recipes WotLK Classic Engineering Leveling 1-450 Guide . Professions are a crucial part of your World of Warcraft character, potentially offering a large boost to your damage, healing or survivability, while also allowing you to generate some gold. An item from World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. Welcome to Wowhead's Addons, Weakauras, and Macros Guide for Combat Rogue DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. ). Some time in legion I think they changed the belt attachment to be a different spell, and it stopped. This one can travel to all seven destinations (adjust for faction or destination preference): Alt+Ctrl: Silvermoon or Exodar. 200 - 300. Never refresh your living bombs on val'kyrs, it isn't useful for the raid damage, but be sure to continue refreshing Living bomb on LK, even during the time you hit the val'kyrs. Community General Discussion. You also get to use Runic Mana Injector which give Engineers an additional 25% Mana compared to the normal Mana potions. This can be used along with Saronite Bomb and Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket or Hyperspeed Accelerators(depending on wich one you use) in this way : /cast <Spell of your choice here> /use 10 (Glove enchant) /use Global Thermal Sapper Charge /use Saronite Bomb Happy exploding!This is a short but in depth guide to fury warrior macros in WOTLK classic. 2 increased the blast radius of these things from 5 to 10 yards, making the maximum range that you can hit something with a saronite bomb is now 25 yards. To the OP, try to set up a cast sequence macro. Since Blade Flurry is a 2 minute cooldown, this means you get to use your gloves half as often. If all done correctly, your character will do the castsequence macro and DPSing while you can go AFK. 10 works regardless if you change your gloves out but puts the ? on the macro icon <Name of Gloves> changes the macro icon but has to be changed if you change your gloves. /cast Blade Flurry. If you want to be sure then just make a macro with a "/stopcasting" in it. This makes it so that you do not receive the green targeting circle. So I'm currently playing prot on my warrior, only 42 at the moment, and I'm having trouble with my mouseover taunt macro: #showtooltip. The recipe for this tinker is learned from Grand Master Engineering trainers. Related. Sapper Charge mage macro. 3) 6 yard radius Adamantite Grenade 450 to 750 Fire damage incapacitates targets for 3 sec(stun) 1 Sec cast 3 yard radius-----The new Saronite Granade is more made of a burst dmg-er or finisher A video and a macro tutorial for engineering grenade in World of Warcraft. 2 increased the blast radius of these things from 5 to 10 yards, making the maximum range that you can hit something with a saronite bomb is now 25 yards. So if the sapper charge is on CD it uses a bomb instead. /cast [target=mouseover] Taunt. Thank you for the help here. And a better one for explosive trap, which includes sappers/saronite bombs/belt/raptor: “#showtooltip Explosive Trap /use [group:raid,combat,harm]item:42641 /use [@player,combat]item:41119 /use [combat,harm]Raptor Strike BigWigs – Functions the same as DBM but is slightly more lightweight. Exofficio, my macro is only written more nicely then the other two. The thread is from 2010 and has 158 posts. Please refer to the 2nd page for the EZ Guide where everything is broken down step-by-step. In addition, Engineering offers access to several Best in Slot enchants , strong pre-raid items, such as Visage Liquification Goggles , and farming items like the Zapthrottle. Also, 3. 2 increased the blast radius of these things from 5 to 10 yards, making the maximum range that you can hit something with a saronite bomb is now 25 yards. Considering the number of times I Sappered in Orgrimmar during Classic, this is a very useful macro you. 4, 68. Eiin is a level 30 NPC that can be found in Shattrath City. Then if your main tank changes, all you have to do is change the name in your macro. Saronite Bomb. Reply With Quote. Welcome to Wowhead's Addons, Weakauras, and Macros Guide for Frost Death Knight DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. so…. Global Thermal Sapper Charge, Saronite Bomb and Frag Belt add additional AoE damage and threat to your toolkit. The Hard mode requires players not to break any of these crystals and not. 3. 5. Also if the mobs live long enough, it might be beneficial to use two different ranks of Flamestrike, rank 9 and rank 8 - their mana cost is the same but the apply two different dots in the. Now it just opens up the green targeting reticle at my cursor requiring me to manually. Lots of them. The old nocombat charge/intercept macro no longer work because of the Warbringer talent. Some people already have tested the Death Knight in WoTLK beta. Also, 3. Simonize Remindersv1. Cold Weather Flying will be extremely advantageous to you while farming Saronite and Titanium, as many farming spots can only be reached by flying. Looks like your macro you came up with is similar to a DK tank macroing Runic Strike to all his abilities (or warriors with heroic strike). Dk + Ret is overall the best 5man PvP and PvE composition if you have the skill to play it. Added in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. This guide is based on the original script from Retail WotLK and is supported with Rawr, formulas from evowow, and personal playtesting on warmane (+. Or if you dont use that macro again it will reset back to belt after. Imagine spending almost an hour in HOS because a tank aint trained in 30+ levels, wears MP5 gear, and isnt crit capped. Also, 3. If you just press the keybind it will SW:P, if you hold shift when pressing it it will cast mind blast, and if you press alt while. might be something like /cast [alt:@player;@cursor. A WotLK. /use 6 Is what I'm using, but you can't throw it at your target in a macro, just bind it and have your mouse ready wherever you wanna throw it and then click. I think ground clicks are fine for pre-combat things or CC even but in DPS rotations that’s a big no no. 0. For example #showtooltip /cast [@player] Summon Jade Serpent. Saronite Bomb; Global Thermal Sapper Charge; Both of these items should be used on cooldown. ago. While your Water Elemental is active, you can make it fire Waterbolt s automatically, using the following macro: /petattack /cast Frostbolt /cqs; If you wish you can also add a line with /use [@cursor] Saronite Bomb to throw a Saronite Bomb at your cursor position whenever it is off cooldown. Instant. Either press the escape key or click the game options key to bring up your menu, then click Macros . Details – Shows you how much damage, healing, etc everyone in your raid is doing. So I'm currently playing prot on my warrior, only 42 at the moment, and I'm having trouble with my mouseover taunt macro: #showtooltip. ago. Is there a way to macro something that will let me hit a button and death and decay is autocast at my character’s feet? Falsedisco-hyjal October 26, 2021, 2:53pm #2. If you don't join the queue, you will get teleported out of the zone. • 7 yr. You can't have a macro check wether or not the buff in question is active on your mouseover, or at least not force a spellcast depending on it. Rigvedic_. Any Stance Shield Wall/equip shields. Flask of the. Thunder Clap Frag Bomb Belt. Seed, tab, seed, tab or just keep spamming the seed on the focusThis is considered the 'Adamantite' of WotLK, and it is the most desirable ore for prospecting (Titanium cannot be prospected, like with Khorium. You also get a cloak enchant called Springy Arachnoweave. u/gjjoeyjoe. Quick Facts; Screenshots; Videos Links. This translates into a ~10% attack speed increase with a 20% uptime. Real men play without keyboard or mouse. I tried scrounging the code from the well known intervene macro, but I that didn't work out. Contains reminder weakauras for Hyperspeed Accelerators, Saronite Bomb, and a special Deadly Poison reminder that only pops up if you have 4 or 5 stacks AND the stacks are falling off in the next 4. It looks like this #showtooltip /cast [@cursor] Flamestrike. using the spell withought a macro will however. A Frag Belt is an engineer-only permanent "enchant" to belts. Sumner2514 • 2 yr. Post by 366611 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. #showtooltip /use Mutilate /use !Saronite bomb /in 60 /w "your name" Bomb is off CD! Thats so not possible. Also, 3. The new explosive trap launcher is great, so I’m wondering if there’s a macro that can be used to have the trap automatically be shot at where ever the mouse is (as. What is Titanium? Titanium is the rare ore from Wrath of the Lich King.